WeatherLink Provides Real-Time Data to Gold Mining Operations
The Masbate gold mine, located on Masbate Island, about 360 km southeast of Manila in the Philippines, is the largest gold mine in the Philippines.
B2Gold’s Audie Altiche takes his role of protecting the environment at the Masbate Gold Project seriously. He, and everyone in the mine’s Environmental Department, must know exactly what’s going on with their local weather to keep the workers, neighbors, water, soil, plant life, and animals that could be affected by the mine’s activities protected.
“Earlier on this year our main automatic weather station (not a Davis station) broke down,” Audie told us, “and we needed to get a substitute immediately while we are sorting the replacement from Australia. A local supplier (APEXs Inc.) was recommended to us and they offer Davis Instruments weather stations. We contacted them and, after several communications, installed two Vantage Pro2 weather stations onsite.”
“We opted to use Vantage Pro2 for data collection. I would say the WeatherLink.com interface is neat and has become my department’s site-specific weather monitoring tool. WeatherLink’s data sharing feature is also great because it enables us to embed real-time readings from the two stations to our Intranet. That gave all of our site employees access to weather data—especially rainfall monitoring for the geotechnical team that monitors wall stability, as well as within my team. Any employee that has access to our Intranet will view the site-specific weather data.”
The Vantage Pro2 was intended to be a temporary set up, but it is working so well that they plan to make them permanent and add more stations.
You can check out the weather at Masbate here.
In the face of escalating environmental risks, AEM is the essential source for insights on weather, climate, lightning, floods, wildfires, water management, and more.
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