Top 5 Reasons to Download the WeatherLink Mobile App
Have you ever checked the local weather, seen that the skies should be sunny, then walked outside and realized you should’ve brought an umbrella? We’ve all been there!
The problem is that your “current weather” update relies on the physical location of the reporting weather station. “Local” weather reports can be based on data from sensors several miles away from you – often at a municipal airport or on the roof of an office building – where conditions are very different from your backyard or the area where you’re about to run your errands.
This is where WeatherLink Mobile – available in the iOS and Google Play stores – shines. The free app provides accurate, reliable, and hyperlocal data pulled from Davis Vantage Pro2™ or Vantage Vue® weather stations connected to the WeatherLink® Cloud. You can see your own station’s real-time data on demand, or you can search by location to see readings from other Davis stations in your area.
Why should you be using WeatherLink Mobile in your daily life? Here are our top five reasons:
1. Understand what it really “feels like” with index calculations
The temperature isn’t always the best indicator of conditions when you’re planning work or play. Wind, humidity, UV levels, and a host of other factors impact the way your body will experience the weather – and that’s all that matters, functionally.
That’s why WeatherLink Mobile automatically provides Wind Chill, Heat Index, Wet Bulb Globe Temperature, and THSW Index calculations for eligible stations (you need a radiation sensor to calculate THSW). Heat Index and Wind Chill use temperature and humidity (HI) or temperature and wind (WC) to give you an idea of how it really feels out there. THSW goes a step further, taking the heating effects of sunshine and cooling effects of wind into account. It really tells you how it feels out there.
2. Control home energy usage
Real-time hyperlocal weather data can help you understand when to open windows and shut off the AC, and WeatherLink Mobile puts that information in the palm of your hand, so you can open the app, check your nearest station, and walk around the house making adjustments as needed to ensure the balance between inside and outside conditions.
By cross-referencing historical data from your Davis weather station in the app with your energy bills, you can also correlate specific conditions or weather events to increased energy consumption to plan and set goals accordingly.
3. Travel in the know
Once the WeatherLink Mobile app is on your phone, you have access to every publicly listed Davis weather station in the world – more than 170,000 in total. Whether you’re traveling a few hours away or visiting the other side of the world, there’s a local station in the WeatherLink Cloud network that can provide you with the context and information you need to prepare better for or adjust to local conditions.
If you’re already in a far-away land, simply launch the app and allow location access so it can find the stations closest to you – try it out somewhere you’re sure there can’t be any Davis sensors nearby and you’ll be surprised! If you’re planning a trip, just type the name of your destination in the search bar at the top of the “Station Results” screen, and you’ll get access to all the nearby data.
4. Plan better for recreation and hobbies
Whether you like to garden, hike, camp, hunt, ride a bike, or play on the water, planning with the weather in mind can be the difference between a fun day and a miserable one. The WeatherLink app is your on-the-go reference resource for decisions ranging from, “Should I water the lawn today?” and “Should I bring in the potted plants tonight?” to “Is today’s barometric pressure consistent with high levels of deer activity?” or “Will the fish bite in these conditions?”
WeatherLink Mobile can help you understand whether to start your activity now, delay it for a few hours, or push to next weekend. Unlike a traditional weather report, the app allows you to pull data from multiple sources in your area, so you can have confidence that you’re responding to what’s actually happening.
5. Get all the weather nerd bragging rights
If you love studying or talking about the weather, WeatherLink Mobile puts real-time and historic weather from around the world directly into your pocket at no cost. You can track wind and barometric pressure as a storm approaches, measure rain in terms of inches per hour as the event plays out, and share your visualized data with friends or colleagues afterward to tell them about that crazy storm you had the other day. If you’ve got a running conversation with a co-worker about coldest morning temperature or a contest with your in-laws to see who gets more rain, the app is there to help you make your case.
Other weather apps spit out numbers, but they don’t tell you where they’re coming from. WeatherLink provides weather hobbyists and data scientists alike with the information they need to understand conditions and their implications in a complete, straightforward way. The application truly is what you make of it – it can transform you into a better plant parent, a community-protecting weather readiness hero, or just a better conversationalist on the topic of weather.
If you’re ready to put the power and possibilities of Davis Instruments’ global WeatherLink community in your pocket, add the WeatherLink app to your mobile device using the iOS or Google Play stores, and within seconds, you’ll have truly hyperlocal global weather data in the palm of your hand.
In the face of escalating environmental risks, AEM is the essential source for insights on weather, climate, lightning, floods, wildfires, water management, and more.
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